Mountain Green Musical Theater
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to establishing musical theater in our schools & community.
Show Information
MGMS' production of Disney's Beauty and the Beast Jr. will take place at the Taylor residence at 7:15 p.m. each night. Please refer to our Cast List for show dates for each student.
Mirror Cast: May 13, 15 and 18
Rose Cast: May 14, 17, 19
In case of inclement weather dates will be rescheduled to either May 20 or 21.
Tickets will go on sale to parents on April 26, then will be released for all others on April 29. More information to come! Seating is limited to 200 tickets per night. Please purchase your tickets ASAP, in the past shows have sold out each night.
Practice videos and detailed rehearsal information is now available on our Rehearsal Hub web page. Please encourage your student to spend 15 min. per day going through their material.