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Rehearsal Hub

Here you'll find rehearsal calendars, a copy of the script, and a breakdown of lines, musical numbers, choreography and costumes for each character and group.


1.  Rehearsal Calendar & Cast List



2.  Download a Script


3.  Rehearsal Information by Part

Click on your character's name below for rehearsal videos, music links, costume and costume change information. Please spend time each day reviewing your character's music and choreography.


    -Musical Numbers:  Refer to "Music" page for updated music tracks & information.
    -p. 18-20 ("Belle Playoff")
    -p. 25-27, p. 30-34 ("Belle in the Castle," "You Follow Me")
    -p. 38-39, p. 68-71 ("Belle in the West Wing")
    -p. 71-72 ("Wolf Attack"), p. 73-74, p. 81-83
    -p. 96-98 ("Belle Takes Maurice Home"), p. 99-101, p. 108-109 ("Fight in the West Wing")
    -p. 110-112 ("Transformation") 
     costumewhite tank top, white dancer shorts, black character shoes
    -Costume changes:  village dress, dinner dress, ball gown, village dress, ball gown

    -Musical Numbers:   
    Refer to "Music" page for updated music tracks & information.
    -p. 24-25 ("Maurice and the Beast"), p. 30-34 ("Belle in the Castle," "You Follow Me")
    -p. 53-57, p. 68-72 ("Wolf Attack"), p. 73-74, p. 81-83, p. 93-93, p. 96-98
    -p. 108-109 ("Fight in the West Wing"), p. 110-112 ("Transformation") 
    -Base costume: white t-shirt, black sport shorts, long white socks, black shoes/boots
    -Costume changes:  prince to beast, casual beast to fancy, back to casual beast, to prince


  • Gaston & Lefou
    -Musical Numbers:   Refer to "Music" page for updated music tracks & information.
    -p. 18-19 ("Belle Playoff"), p. 25-27, p. 49
    -p. 92 ("D'arque Plan"), p. 99-101, p. 106-107 ("The Battle")
    -p. 108-109 ("Fight in the West Wing")
    -Choreography: "Gaston" -- please study this rehearsal video!
    -Base costume: white t-shirt, black sport shorts, long white socks, black shoes/boots


  • Gaston's Gang
    -Musical Numbers:   Refer to "Music" page for updated music tracks & information.
    -Choreography:  "Gaston" -- please study this rehearsal video!
    -Base costume: white t-shirt, black sport shorts, long white socks, black shoes (formal)
    -Costume changes:  villager (black knickers, white shirt, vest or jacket) to castle guy, back to villager. 


  • Silly Girls
    -Musical Numbers:  Refer to
    "Music" page for updated music tracks & information.
    -Script:  p. 25-27

    -Choreography: "Gaston" -- please study this rehearsal video!
     costumewhite tank top, white dancer shorts, black character shoes.
    -Costume changes:  village dress to "Be Our Guest" costume, back to village dress 


  • Maurice
    -Musical Numbers: Refer to
    "Music" page for updated music tracks & information.
    -p. 18-21, Listen to "Into the Forest," work on timing with music
    -p. 22-25, Listen to "Stranger in the House" & "Maurice and the Beast"
    -p.30-34, p. 49, p. 99-101, p. 104
    -Base costume:
     white t-shirt, black sport shorts, long white socks, black shoes (formal)

  • Featured Singers
    -Musical Numbers:  
    Refer to "Music" page for updated music tracks & information.
    -Base Costume:  black tank top, black dancer shorts or leggings, black character shoes

    -Costume changes:  village dress to castle costume 

  • Mrs. Potts
    -Musical Numbers:  Refer to
    "Music" page for updated music tracks & information.
    -p. 22-25, p. 38-39, p. 53-57,
    -p. 73-74, p. 81-83, p. 96-98
    -p. 106-107 ("
    The Battle")
    -p. 110-112 ("Transformation")
    -Base costume
    white tank top, white dancer shorts or leggings, black character shoes
    -Costume change:  teacup dress to human dress 

  • Lumiere, Cogsworth
    -Musical Numbers:  
    Refer to "Music" page for updated music tracks & information.
    -p. 22-25 ("Stranger in the House" & "Maurice and the Beast")
    -p. 30-34, p. 53-57, p. 68-71
    -p. 73-74, p. 81-83, p. 92-93, p. 96-98
    -p. 106-107 ("
    The Battle")
    -p. 110-112 ("Transformation")
    -Boys Base costume: white t-shirt, black sport shorts, long white socks, black shoes (formal)
    -Girls Base 
    costumewhite tank top, white dancer shorts or leggings, black character shoes
    -Costume change
    :  enchanted costume to human costume 

  • Babette, Wardrobe
    -Musical Numbers:  
    Refer to "Music" page for updated music tracks & information.
    -Script:  p. 22-25, p. 38-39
    costumewhite tank top, white dancer shorts or leggings, black character shoes.
    -Costume change
    :  enchanted costume to human costume 

  • Chip/Chippette
    -Musical Numbers:   
    Refer to "Music" page for updated music tracks & information.
    -Script:  p. 23-24, p. 83, p. 107, p. 112 
    -Boys Base costume
    : white tank top, black sport shorts, long white socks, black shoes (formal).--Girls Base costumewhite tank top, white dancer shorts or leggings, black character shoes.
    -Costume change
    : village costume to enchanted costume to human costume 

  • Teacups (village children in first 2 numbers)
    -Musical Numbers:  
    Refer to "Music" page for updated music tracks & information.
    -Base costumewhite tank top, white dancer shorts or leggings, black character shoes.
    -Costume change:  village school girl costume to teacup costume

  • Narrators
    -Musical Numbers:  
    Refer to "Music" page for updated music tracks & information.
    -Script (Narrators 1-4): 
    -p. 1-2, practice with "Prologue
    "; p. 21, practice with "Into the Forest"
    -Script (Narrators 5-8): 
    -p. 71-72, practice with "Wolf Attack"; p. 92 (Narrator 7); p. 106-107 (Narrators 5&6), practice with "The Battle"
    -p. 108-109 (Narrator 8), practice with "Fight in the West Wing"
    -Base costume
    :  white tank top, white dancer shorts or leggings, black character shoes.
    -Costume change
    :  villager to "Be Our Guest" back to villager


  • Castle Chorus (villagers in first number)
    -Musical Numbers:  
    Refer to "Music" page for updated music tracks & information.
    -Special Scenes:  
    -Guards:  p. 24-25, p. 33, p. 106-107 "The Battle"
    -Footstool dog/rug:  p. 22, p. 106-107 
    "The Battle"
    -Salt & Pepper: p. 56-57, p. 106-107 "
    The Battle"
    -Whisks:  p. 56-57, 
    p. 106-107 "The Battle"
    -Boys Base costume: white tank top, black sport shorts, long white socks, black shoes (formal).--Girls Base costume:  white tank top, white dancer shorts or leggings, black character shoes.
    -Costume change:  villager to castle character 
    -You provide
    :  base costume, basic villager costume for opening scene (white shirt, long pioneer skirt for girls; white shirt, dark pants, vest for boys.)

  • Dancers
    -Musical Numbers 
    Refer to "Music" page for updated music tracks & information.
    -Enchantresses:  "Prologue" /  Choreography for Prologue -- please study!
    -*ALL Dancers
    "Human Again" FRONT ROW Choreography   /  "Human Again" BACK ROW Choreography
    -Wolves:  "Into the Forest" /  "Wolf Attack"
    -Base Costume:  wolf:  black leotard, leggings; Enchantess:  white leotard, leggings
    -Costume changes (enchantress):  enchantress to villager to "Be Our Guest" to enchantress
    -Costume changes (wolf):  villager to wolf to "Be Our Guest" to wolf to "Be Our Guest"







Mrs. Potts
Gaston & Lefou
Gaston's Gang
Silly Girls
Featured Singers
Lumiere, Cogsworth
Babette, Wardrobe
Castle Chorus
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